27 June 2012

Doctor, Doctor...

Two trips to CHOP in as many days. I'm so tired I'm going to drop.

Bring on the next heatwave - we're done running around!

This first one I didn't want to mention until I knew the results, and the results are in - negative for CF.

We'll move onward to pulmonary in August to see if there's a reason our little tiger gets so many respiratory infections. He probably just inherited my sick-style (sinus infection followed by bronchitis).

Yesterday they wrapped probe-like-spike simulators around each arm - worked up his baby flesh and then put him in wraps (above) to collect some sweat. He was terribly upset during the work up, then collapsed in a snuggle in the waiting room. It was a precious half hour to just be able to hold him.

Moving onto today we had a follow up ROP preemie appointment in ophthalmology with Dr. Jigsaw. 

The above headgear is why I nicknamed them Drs. Jisgaw from "Saw" because, well, you can see why!

The office was as child-unfriendly as the entire children's hospital is child friendly.

It was a nightmare being trapped in a small room with cords cords cords! and light wands, and more lights, and glass peering objects for as long as we were. Then, he touched some button which brought a TV screen to light that was a series of wind-up/battery/walking toys in full life. Creepy, but what do you expect from the Little Office of Horrors? It has reminded me how much I can't stand Chicken Dance Elmo!

I'm sneaking a picture from the day before all these appointments in at the end here. I call this his Bumble Tiger. It was Bee's and my first birthday present to him and he's finally big enough to use it somewhat!

I got him BabyLegs to match.

...of course.

1 comment :

  1. You must have breathed the biggest sigh of relief when the CF test came back negative. So happy for your little family!! And little man is getting so huge- and so handsome. Love the BL's. Love from Pittsburgh-


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