10 December 2012

Fabric Letters and Felt Family Projects

fabric letters, early education, letters for felt board
Felted fabric letters

I am completely insane. I spent four hours making letters for Tristan and they didn't even turn out close to The Plan. On Saturday I found this blog entry on making fabric letters for the fridge. I got seriously excited. It was midnight when I stumbled across the images, but I was ready to start! I could have done it...if I didn't have a toddler (without whom I wouldn't even be considering this project).

I made myself wait until morning. I EVEN DREAMED ABOUT THEM! It was bliss. Selecting fabrics, sewing edges and gluing magnets onto the back. I have enough fabric that I could have done each letter differently. I even have extra magnets because Amazon suggested I order the wrong size for another project I am working on.

Brandon is here so I've had extra time to craft this weekend. When he is home he is usually doing schoolwork full time so we don't really get "days off" here, but he is contemplating a 25 page paper while fighting video game zombies. Naturally.

Meanwhile, I pulled out one of Tristan's precious NICU receiving blankets to use instead of felt as the backing. It's practically the same, right? I chose a thick one. NOT the same. Hmm. I didn't do a sample with felt but I still don't think it would be stiff enough...but maybe. She ran her letters through the machine and it almost looks like some are stuffed. I used Heat & Bond. I cut even the tiniest specks of Bond so that I don't waste any. It's not that I'm running low - that's just how I am about craft-waste. Waste not even a speck!

Once I had the fabric and blanket cut out it was clear they were not going to look cool on the fridge. Droopy and sad, for sure! I didn't add the magnets. I had put far too much time and energy into these to have them look droopy and sad on the fridge and people come say - what are those things on your fridge? LETTERS! Duh.

Since I made a small felt board on Saturday with the felt family-version of us I thought I'd just play it safe and use the letters for that and the larger board I'll make in the future. Then I can make additional common letters when he starts spelling. ...and my dream about using a different fabric per letter? Wayyyy over ambitious, but when I make extra letters for spelling I'll keep them consistent. These will not go to [craft]waste! It just isn't the incredible magnets I saw on that blog. Chances are I'll try again...but not tonight!

felt faces, feltboard project ideas, early education faces, early education lesson, parts of the face
us. as felt.

Original fabric alphabet letters of my dreams can be found here: http://ginaandkris.blogspot.com/2010/10/fabric-letters-for-fridge.html

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  1. I think yours turned out great!! Glad you found The Daily B and felt inspired. :)


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