17 March 2012

It Was a Cool Zoo Party!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, friends! Especially to Uncle Brian over in Ireland where they don't get into it like us Americans. Their loss! I put on my very greenest! But I'm getting ahead of myself - rewind, let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.

USUALLY! EEEEEEEEEEeee what happened to my delicious, perfect ironcakes?! Mamma made them GREEN! ...with no molassas or added iron or...oh, dear. She called it a Shamrockin'cake.

First, smile politely.

Show off your tooth, yeah, that always makes her happy!

Next, shamrock this thing to the floor!

Next adventure - St Paddy's Day trip to the ZOO! My first time!

Joanne & Grey came, too!

They stood in front of birdhouses with no birds!

K, I'm tired, I'll let Mamma type the rest.

And we were off!

Tristan calmly took the scene in.

We don't think he noticed any of the animals but a marmoset (my favorite!) noticed him and came zooming down from his perch. Some people who had been trying to get his attention said - "Look, look, he likes that baby!" Yeah, Tristan's in with the marmies.

For those who know me well - here is my trifecta:

Riding a carousel with my son for the first time.

Hanging out near a peacock showing off his full plumage!

Penny Squishing Machine!

It wasn't a first trip to the zoo without stopping at the gift shop for a stuffie.

Which one? Bee and I tried to decide...........

and then...............

Tee had an opinion.

It was a very strong opinion.

That can only be truly and fully appreciated in live-action:

That is the story of how Coconut has come to live with us.

The end.

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