05 August 2012

Grown-up, magic-making memories...

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the kind of memories I want Tristan to have now that he's growing into a toddler. It's not that I hadn't thought about it before, but I knew he probably wouldn't remember coo'ing at me shaking a rattle. I only knew that he was in a current state of bliss which is right where I wanted him.

Will he have magical memories like the ones my parents and grandparents gave me? It's intimidating when you realize the reigns are now in your hands.

On the days that I'm tired will he remember my sighs, or will he remember that he made three beautiful paintings, helped do the dishes, and then got to make tidal waves from a bucket of suds on the kitchen floor?

His laughter chirps loudly through our apartment and I know he is happy.

Having a child brings up things you'd thought you'd forgotten. Memories, emotions, experiences.

The world lights up in different shades of color.

I hope his will be bright, warm, cozy, and full of magic that he'll spin into stories when he's old enough to start saying, "I remember, when I was little ______........".

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