22 March 2013

Flashback Friday: Kiddierama Film Booth

No, it's not a shopping cart: it's my sweet stroller ride!

This is one of my favorite photographs with my mom. It's both candid and dated. I don't remember this at all but looking at it makes me happy and I have it framed in my living room. My mom thinks we were taking a family trip up to Santa Barbara visiting the missions along the way.

I'll never think I take too many pictures or document too many memories as a mother. It fades and these are the pieces we have left. Even if I was too little to remember I'm old enough now to appreciate what we shared.

I hope you all have a great weekend! Saturday is Tristan's second party (Aquabat-themed!) so stay tuned - and then he is officially two on the 26th. We're planning a trip to visit our favorite nurse in NICU and donate some preemie hats - so I'd better get back to sewing! I have a tall bag to fill.

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