20 May 2013

Birthday Babes & Beads

Mommy & Me Monday and my birthday all in one! It's what we do.

I've been up to my neck in a project that started with me making my husband a Megaman coaster. Then I thought I'd make Catbus (from Totoro!) for me, but it has evolved into something of an Tolkien Warhol experience with those perler beads I got for Tristan me. It will be great when it's finished and I'll unravel more details this week, but for now a sneak peak (unless you follow me on Instagram - then you've definitely seen more of a parade!).

DIY, catbus totoro craft, perler bead coasters, hama coasters, things to do with hama perler beads

DIY, megaman craft, perler bead coasters, hama coasters, things to do with hama perler beads

I went to the library to pick up some books that I had on hold when a pretty teen collegiate told me she loved my leggings. I guess that's the new word for legwarmers, but I'm psyched that I'm still cool...because later I got excited over finding some insoles that allow you to walk around the house with your bare feet! Turning 20+_ _ sure has evolved! Hahh.

My husband put the word babe on my cake. I love him.

Practicing for candles or flipping out because there is a giant cake...or both.

Helping my wishes come true.


Totally rad: that would be white ruffle edging at the bottom.


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